
The Code of Student Conduct fosters and protects the University of Southern Mississippi's core missions, which include research, teaching and learning, and service.

The Code accomplishes this by fostering the scholarly and civic development of the University's students in a safe and secure learning environment protecting the people, properties, and processes that support the University and its missions.

Preservation of academic freedom and free and open exchange of ideas and opinions for all members of the University are central to these missions. 你会发现一个完整的 list of institutional policies at the University's Institutional Policies 页面.


Conduct Process: Link to Flow Chart or add flow chart on web页面.


Reports that can be submitted here:

  • Reports about a Concern, Violation, or Problem

To report any concerns about the behavior or personal well-being of students, click 下面的按钮.  If your concern is purely academic (excessive absences, poor performance) without any knowledge of personal well-being issues, please follow your department's 政策 and procedure regarding academic issues.

  • 性行为不端(第九章)

Employees have a duty to report any incident of sexual misconduct, such as sexual harassment or assault to the Title IX Coordinator.  See the Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, and Sexual Harassment Policy. For 信息 about the procedures that apply to resolving reports of the occurrence of such matters, see the Procedures for the Resolution of Allegations of Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, and Sexual Harassment 政策.

  • Campus Security Authority (CSA) Incident

Under Federal Law (The Clery Act), the University is required to report annual statistics for crime and safety on campus.  If you have an emergency situation, please call 911.  Persons designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are required to report certain 违法行为. If you are a designated CSA who is aware of criminal activity and it is not an emergency, please click below to report the incident or behavior.

  • Report an Issue to the 教务长

This form provides an avenue for all faculty, staff, and students to report non-emergency incidents to the 教务长 Office.

Incidents may include (but are not limited to):

  • Violations of the 学生行为准则
  • Violations of local, state and federal laws
  • 课堂秩序
  • General complaints/conflicts/concerns

Reports will be responded to within three business days. 如果你有任何问题 regarding any incident, please contact the 教务长 office via phone by calling 601.266.4025,发邮件至dos@超声电机.edu or by stopping by Room 221 of the R. C. 厨师工会.

页面:教师 & 员工资源页面

At the University of Southern Mississippi, we know that our faculty and staff are essential to the success of the college and our students. 我们想确保你 have everything you need at your fingertips, from counseling resources to campus security 信息.

We are constantly working to provide more resources and support to faculty and staff 在所有部门. Additional student-facing 信息 and tools can be accessed 通过参考资料页面.


University of Southern Mississippi Response Guide- 连结至PDF (需要创建)

University of Southern Mississippi University 资源- 连结至PDF (需要创建)


The 教务长 Office considers parents and family members to be valuable partners 学生的成功.

FERPA权利 transfer to the student at age 18 or at the time of attendance at a post-secondary institution, regardless of age. The University must receive the student's written and signed consent before releasing Personally Identifiable Information or Education 给父母或配偶的记录.

If the student is considered "financially dependent," parents or legal guardians may obtain Personally Identifiable Information at the discretion of the institution by providing to the Office of the University Registrar a copy of the most recently filed 联邦纳税申报表.

Requests for Personally Identifiable Information or Education Records should be referred to the Office of the University Registrar.

FERPA同意书: http://r7ab.r2painrelief.com/registrar/_files/ferpa-release-usm.pdf 

Parental/ Authorized User Portal Guide- http://r7ab.r2painrelief.com/advisement-center/_files/soar-tutorials/2021-manage-guest-parent.pdf

We recognize the important role you play in your student's academic and social success, and we thank you for the support you give your student.

For more 信息 about Hattiesburg Community 资源 please view…. 链接到哈蒂斯堡 资源目录(Link: http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UeKXaFBqjB3ExL9XRFuHTeXdpzpbipr0y69upkNASZc/edit?usp=sharing)

For more 信息 about Gulf Coast Community 资源 please view… Link to 2019 Mississippi Gulf Coast Community Resource Guide (连结至PDF saved on Drive)


R.C. 库克大学联盟
学院道118号 5204号

电话: 601.266.4025
电子邮件: dos@超声电机.edu
办公时间: 8-5 PM